June 24 - July 14, 2021
Live theatre is (maybe a little untraditionally) back! Chris Rohmann reviews two Berkshires presentations here. Live performances is now it's own section in the newsletter - see below for listings for Matilda and Fourteen Wedding Dresses, both coming to theatres near you in July.
The next issue will include events from July 1 through 21. Submit upcoming events via the link below or by emailing me before Tuesday at midnight. Any questions, comments or feedback? Email me at pioneervalleytheatre@gmail.com
$5 per week for your poster and ticket link in top billing!
Email me to reserve your dates.
from American Theatre
Play for Play, Can Theatre Learn from the NFL?
by Jerald Raymond Pierce
From the article:
I want to be a theatre fan. I say that loosely, because I don’t tend to be the kind of fanatic who collects playbills and saves ticket stubs, and my ability to recall who was in which cast of what show is utter garbage. I mean “fan” in a sense closer to the way I’m a fan of my hometown sports teams—the way in which, though I live in Chicago, I can still find ways to watch the football team I grew up watching, the one I have family memories connected to, whenever they play, no matter where in the country they’re playing. I wish I could be that kind of a fan for theatre too.
Have you read an interesting article about theatre recently? Send it to me! pioneervalleytheatre@gmail.com
Turners Falls High School/Great Falls Middle School
Matilda: The Musical
222 Turnpike Road, Turners Falls, MA
Thursday- July 1st
Friday- July 2nd
7:00 in the TFHS auditorium!
Don’t miss it! These kids have waited over a year to share this with the community!
Matilda: The Musical is based on the classic Ronald Dahl book. It follows the story of a very gifted little girl who learns she has a lot of power in the face of adversity. This musical is rated PG.
$10 for Adult
$8 for Students
$5 for 5 and under
Tickets available at the door
Directed by: Kimberly Rose
Assistant Director: Alyssa Conway
Consultant: Mandy Oliver
Choreography by: Kiley Palmquist, Hannah Warnock, Maddie LeBorgne, and Izzy Vachula-Curtis
Set: Jonathan Chappel, Brian Lamore, and the Amherst Leisure Community Theater
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