February 23 - March 15, 2023
CitySpace in Easthampton is working on raising funds for phase two of the renovation project to begin - this phase involves adding an elevator, accessible entryway, and restoration of the historic stained glass windows. We're hoping to begin this work this April, but still have funds to raise to make it possible. Learn more about the project here. If you are interested in this project, come take a tour of the second floor and see this incredible space, and make a donation - the valley could use a 350-seat flexible theatre space! Let's make it happen!
The next issue will include events from March 2 - 22. Submit upcoming events via the link below or by emailing me before Tuesday at midnight. Any questions, comments or feedback? Email me at pioneervalleytheatre@gmail.com
$5 per week for your poster and ticket link in top billing!
Email me to reserve your dates.
from Howlround
Disability Creativity in Opera
by Marianna Mott Newirth and Gregory Moomjy
From the article:
Be Careful What You Say, It Might Come True Someday
Back in 2015 when opera folk gathered unmasked in small rooms to discuss their unique and exquisite art form, there was an auspicious meeting at the National Opera Center of a musicologist in a wheelchair and a non-disabled librettist. The man, who has Cerebral Palsy, loved opera from a very early age. The woman, non-disabled, grew up in theatre and had recently responded to the call to write librettos. Both were exploring how to break into the industry. She was new to opera and he, though a fixture at nearly every opening night of any opera being performed around New York City, never thought he could pursue a job in opera because of his limited mobility. No one considered him a viable candidate until he met her. Marianna’s first question to Greg was, “What do you want to do in opera?” and Greg’s immediate response was “I want to run an opera company.” “Cool!” Marianna said, and we became friends.
Have you read an interesting article about theatre recently? Send it to me! pioneervalleytheatre@gmail.com