Cadillac Crew
by Tori Sampson
Directed by taneisha duggan
Featuring Cate Alston, MaConnia Chesser, Kyra Davis, and Alicia M.P. Nelson
Thursdays – Sundays
October 27-29, 2022
at Shakespeare & Company’s
Tina Packer Playhouse
Four female activists are working in a Virginia civil rights office on the day of a much anticipated speech by Rosa Parks. From the Civil Rights Movement to the present day, CADILLAC CREW illuminates forgotten leaders who blazed the trail for desegregation and women’s rights. With remarkable insight and unexpected humor, the play asks, what happens when Black women refuse to be written out of history.
CADILLAC CREW is presented at Shakespeare & Company’s Tina Packer Playhouse, 70 Kemble St, Lenox, MA 01240.
Run time 1 hour and 45 minutes. No intermission.
Presented in special partnership with the Women’s Fund of Western Massachusetts.
Thurs., Oct. 27 at 10am (live performance SOLD OUT, online tickets available)
Fri., Oct 28 at 7pm (live and online)
Sat., Oct. 29 at 2:30pm (live and online)
Sat., Oct. 29 at 7pm (live and online) – CLOSING