July 26 - August 15, 2018
Did you know that every event in this newsletter is submitted by a reader? You can submit something too! If you know of a theatre event in the area, spread the word! Feel free to email me at pioneervalleytheatre@gmail.com to ask any questions. And like the newsletter on Facebook!
THE ROOMMATE opens tonight in Ashfield - starring local favorites Jeannine Haas and Lisa Abend. LIKE A MOTHER BEAR has three showings at the Ko Festival in Amherst this weekend. Go see a show!
The next issue will include events through August 22. Submit upcoming events via the link below or by emailing me before Tuesday at midnight. Any questions, comments or feedback? Email me at pioneervalleytheatre@gmail.com
from Howlround
We Need Theatre to Exist, and Maybe Research Can Prove Its Necessary
by Robert Ruffin
From the article:
Is theatre necessary? This is an age-old question. It is so old that perhaps, at times, we grow tired of asking it. We shouldn’t. In its answer lies the Holy Grail. Proving theatre necessary to the mechanical function of the human body might lead to a renaissance in its funding, attendance, and growth. Imagine a world in which theatre practitioners, when asked why theatre should be funded, could answer definitively, “Because it is necessary to human life.” Perhaps that world is not as far away as it seems.
Have you read an interesting article about theatre recently? Send it to me! pioneervalleytheatre@gmail.com
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Berkshire on Stage