October 4 - 24, 2018
If you haven't already, add yourself to the Pioneer Valley Personnel spreadsheet! And if your theatre company isn't listed in the box at the bottom of the newsletter, send me an email! Help me help you!
Lots of fun short-run events this weekend: Before You Became Improbable at the Emily Dickinson Museum, Serious Play's Return from the Fringe performance at the Arts Trust, Life in the 413 at the Academy of Music! Come see a show!
The next issue will include events through October 31. Submit upcoming events via the link below or by emailing me before Tuesday at midnight. Any questions, comments or feedback? Email me at pioneervalleytheatre@gmail.com
from Howlround
Men and Women and Non-Binary People On Boats
by Sloth Levine
From the article:
Transgender people are sort of having a moment right now. Many of us are finally feeling confident enough to assert ourselves in public spaces. Our representation has never been better in TV and film. (I’m not saying it’s good, but it’s never been better.) And I’ve noticed a small but mighty community of transgender and non-binary theatremakers grow over the past year, both online and especially in my home community of Boston, Massachusetts.
Have you read an interesting article about theatre recently? Send it to me! pioneervalleytheatre@gmail.com
Want to know even more about events in the Pioneer Valley and beyond,
including reviews, interviews, and previews?
In the Spotlight, Inc.
Berkshire on Stage
Silverthorne Theater Company presents DELECTABLE DURANG A Collection of Six Unruly Comedies
October 4, 5, 6 at 7:30 PM
Hawks & Reed Performing Arts Center, 289 Main St, Greenfield
This production will be an ‘homage to the theater‘ featuring Durang’s most pungent satirical takes on the world of the stage. The six plays are The Actor’s Nightmare, Women in a Play Ground, Nina in the Morning, For Whom the Southern Belle Tolls, One Minute Play & Medea. Every theatrical element will be in full view of the audience throughout, as the actors function as a mini-repertory company, portraying a variety of multi-dimensional characters with serious personal issues who fearlessly leap into Durang’s world of comic mayhem with emotional abandon and a bountiful sense of play.
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