March 7 - 27, 2024
The newsletter is a real long one this week. If you click the button in the top left corner that says "view this email in your browser" you'll be able to see the whole thing - especially if you are interested in upcoming auditions, workshops, classes and more! There are some good ones in there!
And it's closing weekend for To Serve the Hive, Emilie, How to Radicalize Your Peers, Marisol, Nice Work If You Can Get It, and probably more!
The next issue will include events from March 14 - April 3. Submit upcoming events via the link below or by emailing me before Tuesday at midnight. Any questions, comments or feedback? Email me at pioneervalleytheatre@gmail.com
The Harlot Queens present The 'Does A Bawdy Good' EP Release Party
March 9 at 7:30 PM in Westfield
More Information.
Devereux Productions & Pauline Productions present The Cemetary Club
March 15-17, 22-24 at Ashfield Congregational Church
Tickets and More Information
$5 per week for your poster and ticket link in top billing!
Email me to reserve your dates.
Recasting, Restorying, and Restructuring Shakespeare for Liberation
by Rainier Pearl-Styles
From the article:
My first intentional interaction with Shakespeare was not in a high school English class, but at a Shakespeare summer camp as a nine-year-old. I played Hermione in The Winter’s Tale in fifth grade, when I was also a target of bullying and burgeoning middle school meanness. In middle school, I saw my nascent sexuality represented in playing “pants parts” across from girls I would eventually fall in love with. And before I had words to describe how I felt about gender, I played Rosalind, trying on power through masculinity and returning to myself with a changed worldview.
Have you read an interesting article about theatre recently? Send it to me! pioneervalleytheatre@gmail.com
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