August 4 - 24, 2022
I'm out of town this week, but it's hot and most theatres have air conditioning, so maybe go check one of these shows out this weekend. Here's what Chris Rohmann recommends: "If you see only one play this summer, see this one." - and he previewed that show at Chester and one at Shakespeare & Company here. Or if you are looking for a show at Jacob's Pillow, check this out.
The next issue will include events from August 11 - 31. Submit upcoming events via the link below or by emailing me before Tuesday at midnight. Any questions, comments or feedback? Email me at pioneervalleytheatre@gmail.com
Join our theatre conservatory this fall for in-person classes. We offer acting programs for ages 6-18, where young people come to grow as artists, leaders, and individuals.
For more information, visit www.dramastudio.org/drama-studio-classes
$5 per week for your poster and ticket link in top billing!
Email me to reserve your dates.
from Howlround
When Performance Art Is an Anti-War Instrument
by Viktor Vilisov
From the article:
Alexandra Skochilenko is a thirty-year-old artist from St. Petersburg—the city where I lived before Russia attacked Ukraine. She made music and films, drew comics about depression, and worked as a photojournalist. On 11 April 2022, Skochilenko was arrested and placed in a pre-trial detention center, where she is currently still being held. A criminal case was filed against her, with a maximum sentence of fifteen years in prison. She has bipolar disorder and celiac disease (gluten intolerance), so the first days in the detention center she starved because she could not eat local food. In spite of this, she was not even released under house arrest.
Have you read an interesting article about theatre recently? Send it to me! pioneervalleytheatre@gmail.com
No Theater
let go
a short adult comedy about love, death and piles of paper....
through August 6 at 8:00 PM
Thursday, August 4
Friday, August 5
Saturday, August 6
LIMITED SEATING-- Running Time: 1 hour w/out intermission
(Vaccination and Masks required)
LET GO with Roy Faudree and Jane Karakula
@ A.P.E. Gallery, 126 Main Street, Northampton, MA
Things I Know to Be True at Great Barrington Pubic Theater, August 4-14, turns an ordinary American family’s unraveling, redemption and bonds of love into extraordinary theater.
The GB Public Theater 2022 mainstage season continues Aug.4 – Aug 14 with an evocative, penetrating drama about the vicissitudes and complexities of family dynamics, self-identity and the nature and meaning of love today. Written by multi-award-winning Australian playwright Andrew Bovell, and rewritten for American audiences, it premiered in Milwaukee in 2019 to wide critical acclaim. It was slated for New York until Covid diverted plans. Earlier this year GBPT was able to secure rights for a brief East Coast premiere.
A year of change and unsettling discovery for the Price family is played out by a superb ensemble, including Corrina May; John Wojda; Liz Hayes; David Keohane; Raya Malcolm and Jo Michael Rezes. Directed by Judy Braha, who directed last year’s hit Mr. Fullerton, Things I Know to Be True brings the realistic joy, fierceness, fears and dreams of the family to the McConnell Theater stage for ten performances only.
Things I Know to Be True will be staged ten times only, from Aug. 4-14, Thurs.-Sun., 3pm and 7:30pm, in the McConnell Mainstage Theater, Daniel Arts Center, Bard College at Simon’s Rock, 84 Alford Rd, Great Barrington, MA 01230. Tickets can be reserved on the Great Barrington Public Theater website.
Happier Valley Comedy
The Understudies: An Improvised Musical
August 6 at 7:00 PM
Happier Valley Comedy's Next Door Lounge (1 Mill Valley Rd, Hadley, MA)
Be part of the fun as these brave improvisers and their trusty musician create an entire musical from scratch. First Saturday of every month at 7pm at the Happier Valley Comedy Theater (1 Mill Valley Rd, Hadley, on rte.9). Tickets: $13 online and at the door.
More information
WAM’s 2022 Fresh Takes Play Reading Series concludes with ESCAPED ALONE at The Mount
Sunday, August 7th at 2pm
The Mount, Edith Wharton’s Home, 2 Plunkett Street, Lenox, MA 01240 (& live streamed)
Tickets $15, $25
Candace Barrett Birk as Mrs. J, Joan Coombs as Vi, Eileen Schuyler as Lena, TAMIR as Sally
WAM Theatre concludes their 2022 Fresh Takes Play Reading Season with Escaped Alone, written by one of the most prolific living playwrights, Caryl Churchill (Top Girls, Cloud 9, Far Away). The play is directed by WAM’s Producing Artistic Director Kristen van Ginhoven and will be presented live (and live-streamed) on Sunday, August 7, at 2pm at The Mount, Edith Wharton’s Home in Lenox. Tickets are on sale now.
"While written before this pandemic, Escaped Alone provides a resonant opportunity to use humor and absurdity to look at what’s going on in our world. If we can't laugh at all we are facing in our inner and outer worlds, then what do we have?” explains director Kristen van Ginhoven. “I am excited to explore how one of our most esteemed contemporary female playwrights defies convention to explore how we navigate catastrophe."
Back by popular demand, Escaped Alone, by iconic feminist playwright Caryl Churchill, brings us to a backyard where three old friends and a neighbor spend a series of summer afternoons chatting, while visions of apocalyptic horror play out inside their minds. Deemed “the most dazzlingly inventive living dramatist in the English language” by The New York Times, Churchill entwines histories, laughter, and song over tea and catastrophe.
Tickets are now on sale for Escaped Alone by Caryl Churchill, directed by Kristen van Ginhoven at The Mount on August 7. For more information or to reserve your tickets today, visit WAM online at wamtheatre.com or call 413.274.8122.
New play reading series at The LAVA Center, featuring local playwrights and friends of LAVA
Some Thursdays and Saturdays in August and September; see schedule below
The LAVA Center, 324 Main St., Greenfield
In August and September, The LAVA Center is presenting a series of new play readings by local playwrights and friends of LAVA.
For many of these readings, actors are invited to perform in an unpaid cold reading of the play in a casual atmosphere.
The schedule for the playwrights is as follows:
Thursday, Aug. 11, 5:30 p.m.: Rex McGregor
Thursday, Aug. 18, 5:30 p.m.: Patricia Crosby
Saturday, Aug. 20, 11:30 a.m.: Cheryl Dukes
Thursday, Aug. 25, 5:30 p.m.: Christine Benvenuto
Thursday, Sept. 8, 5:30 p.m.: Alfonso Neal
Actors are invited to jump in on cold readings on Thursday, Aug. 11; Saturday, Aug. 20; and Thursday, Sept. 8.
For more information, visit our website at https://localaccess.org.
Ja'Duke Theater
Margaret and the Giant
8/12/22 @ 6pm; 8/13/22 @ 6pm; 8/14/22 @2pm
Margaret and the Giant is the third musical in the Fairy House chronicles. Featuring all the beloved characters from The Fairy House and The Fairy Tea Party (Or How Pirates Almost Spoiled the Day), Margaret and the Giant begins with Margaret getting lost in the woods on her way to visit her friends at the Fairy House. Her friends are in the midst of quite an upheaval themselves as the elusive and annoying Shmoopoo has returned to the Lovely Woods wreaking havoc and scaring the Woodland Creatures. Margaret’s friends the pirates are also lost (as usual) but are valiantly trying to make their way to the Fairy House to protect the fairies and woodland creatures. Margaret stumbles upon a Giant who has a secret crush on the fairies but is very shy and has a lot to learn about trusting. Sound like a lot going on in the Lovely Woods? Add in teasing sprites, fairies who become witches, missing acorns, Giant dancing lessons and a Summer Spectacular and you have all the ingredients for a rip roaring fun-filled Shmoopoo howling can’t believe all this is happening song and dance filled fanciful musical sure to appeal to kids of all ages!
Rated: G
Running time: 70 minutes (one intermission)
Happier Valley Comedy
2nd Saturdays Presents: Longform Improvisation
August 13 at 7:00 PM
Happier Valley Comedy's Next Door Lounge (1 Mill Valley Rd, Hadley, MA)
A cast of experienced improvisers dive into a variety of formats based on audience suggestions. Second Saturday of every month at 7pm at the Happier Valley Comedy Theater (1 Mill Valley Rd, Hadley, on rte.9). Tickets: $13 online and at the door.
More information.
Happier Valley Comedy
HVC’s Fun Fridays: Storytelling Standup Showcase
August 19 at 5:30 PM
Happier Valley Comedy's Next Door Lounge (1 Mill Valley Rd, Hadley, MA)
Watch Happier Valley Comedy talent try out their latest material, laugh together, raise a glass, and support up-and-coming standup comedians. Doors open at 5:30. Showcase starts at 7pm.
More information
Happier Valley Comedy
HVC Presents: Not In Charge!
August 20 at 7:00 PM
Happier Valley Comedy's Next Door Lounge (1 Mill Valley Rd, Hadley, MA)
Join the talented group Not In Charge for a fast-paced improv show inspired by true stories from the cast! Third Saturday of every month at 7pm at the Happier Valley Comedy Theater (1 Mill Valley Rd, Hadley, on rte.9). Tickets: $13 online and at the door.
More information.
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