April 5 - 25, 2018
This week's article from Howlround is by recent Smith College alumna Hannah Sachs - take a look! And come to the WORD! Festival at Smith tonight - it's free!
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The next issue will include events through May 2. Submit upcoming events via the link below or by emailing me before Tuesday at midnight. Any questions, comments or feedback? Email me at pioneervalleytheatre@gmail.com
from Howlround
Working with Students to Reclaim the Revolutionary Roots of Czech Theatre
by Hannah Sachs
From the article:
“Now let’s create an image of exclusion,” I explained to the classroom of young Czech teens. Silently, they arranged themselves into a landscape of frozen poses, working together to create a tableau based on their personal understanding of the word. Some students crowded around a kneeling student, trapping him as he reached out towards the others. A young man held another boy’s hands tightly behind his back while another student covered his mouth. A girl sat with her back to the rest of the group, eyes cast downward, utterly isolated. Then I asked them how they might change the image from one of exclusion to one of inclusion. Students impulsively began to adjust their forms. Some students shifted so that their linked arms that had previously imprisoned their classmate became an arch for them to walk through. A group of students who had been standing moved towards the isolated girl and sat on the floor in order to meet face to face. Clenched fists and crossed arms gently relaxed and were replaced with open palms and eager embraces. We don’t share a mother tongue, but through Theatre of the Oppressed techniques, my students and I were learning to dream in the same language.
Have you read an interesting article about theatre recently? Send it to me! pioneervalleytheatre@gmail.com
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