June 9-29, 2016
It's Cultural Chaos this Saturday in Easthampton! If you haven't been before, it's an awesome day of food vendors, performance, music, and crafts on Cottage Street in downtown Easthampton. The fair is 12-7, but don't miss TheatreTruck's Commedia Grab Bag at 4:00, 5:00, or 6:00pm.
Also this weekend: The Full Disclosure Festival in Greenfield. Check out the listing below for more information and tickets.
And if you'd like to get backstage: New Century Theatre is looking for a stage crew volunteer for the upcoming production of YANKEE TAVERN. Dates are June 14-25. If you are interested, email me for details.
The next issue will include events through July 6. Submit upcoming events via the link below or by emailing me before next Tuesday at midnight. Any questions, comments or feedback? Email me at pioneervalleytheatre@gmail.com
from Howlround
Producing Advice from the Company that Named Themselves "Team Awesome Robot": Part One
by Christopher Diercksen
From the article:
The beauty of live theatre, for me anyway, is in its ephemeral nature. It's dependent on the audience being in the room at the precise moment it exists and when it's over, poof! These disposable communities are exclusive by design, so it should come as no surprise that you probably don't know anything about me or my company, Team Awesome Robot. This series is about chronicling our journey as artists-turned-independent-theatre-producers as we put up our next show, in the hopes that you may find some applicable value in it. Whether you're staring down a monster project with a bank account that begins with "zero" or you're a super successful producer interested in seeing how we do the thing at our size, we want to share our experience with you.
Have you read an interesting article about theatre recently? Send it to me! pioneervalleytheatre@gmail.com
Black Cat Theatre presents MOON OVER BUFFALO
June 9 - 10 - 11 @ 7:00 pm
June 12 @ 2:00pm
East Meadow School
393 East State Street, Granby, MA
Black Cat Theater presents their Spring adult comedy (for mature audiences) "Moon Over Buffalo", directed by Donald Beach.
In the make-up comedy tradition of 'Lend Me A Tenor', the hilarious 'Moon Over Buffalo' centers on George and Charlotte Hay, fading stars of the1950's. At the moment, they're playing 'Private Lives' and 'Cyrano De Bergerac' in rep in Buffalo, New York with five actors. On the brink of a disastrous split up caused by George's dalliance with a young ingenue, they receive word that they might have just one last shot at stardom: Frank Capra is coming to town to see their matinee, and if he likes what he sees, he might cast them in his movie remake of 'The Scarlet Pimpernel'. Unfortunately for George and Charlotte, everything that coud go wrong does go wrong abetted by a visit from their daughter's clueless fiance and hilarious uncertainty about which play they're actually performing, caused by Charlotte's deaf old stage-manager mother who hates every bone in George's body.
$15 General Admission
$12 Seniors/Students
Veterans/Military Free of Charge
RESERVATIONS: Call 413-563-6023
or email blackcattheater@gmail.com
The Majestic Theater presents
Thursday, June 9 at 7:30pm
Friday, June 10 at 8pm
Saturday, June 11 at 8pm
Sunday, June 12 at 2pm
An original work by Eaton, “MAGS” is adapted from the book “This is Paradise: An Irish Mother's Grief, an African Village's Plight, and the Medical Clinic that Brought Fresh Hope to Both” by Suzanne Strempek Shea. The true-life story details the mission of Mags Riordan, an Irish woman who traveled to a remote village in Africa following her son's death there in a tragic accident. Beckoned by his insistence that she see the abundant natural beauty of the region, Mags is then motivated to help the poverty-stricken residents there by creating a medical clinic to serve them. Actress Cate Damon will perform the one-woman show as Mags.
For additional information, visit the website.
Eggtooth Productions presents THE full disclosure festival.
June 10 and 11
Downtown Greenfield |
Theater, music, installations, visual art and more….throughout the streets, in movement, and all over town. It’s the Full Disclosure Festival from Eggtooth Productions, June 10th and 11th in downtown Greenfield.
What happens when climatologists, anthropologists, and historians collaborate with artists to find new expression? How about a new musical about the Quabbin called the Water Project? Spoken word with dance? Conceptual art? Experiential art and immersive theater? Come have your mind blown at the 2016 Full Disclosure Festival.
A centerpiece of the Festival is Emma Ayres’ new production of The Water Project, a music theater piece about the expropriation of towns to create the Quabbin Reservoir. Her work blends the history of the disincorporation and destruction, in April 1938, of four towns in Franklin County with our present conflicts with power, politics, and natural resources.
We also offer Poetry Reading on the Main Stage of Artsblock, and A SECRET HISTORY BOOTH with Lindel Hart at GCTV interviewing folks who are invited to tell a story of this place.
Tickets are $20 and are good for the whole weekend and the whole festival and are available online. Full schedule and more details available here.
TheatreTruck at Easthampton's Cultural Chaos
Saturday, June 11
at 4:00, 5:00, and 6:00 PM
Cottage and Pine Streets,
midway between The Circus Performers (trapeze) and the Center Stage.
TheatreTruck brings COMMEDIA GRAB BAG! to Cultural Chaos
TheatreTruck brings our spin to Commedia dell'Arte in this pop-up performance.
YOU decide the order in which scenes from classical playwrights will be performed in this choose-your-own-adventure performance. The actors add their own improvisation and physical comedy to the mix. A perfect short-form performance for festival goers to enjoy. You won't want to miss it!
More information here.
Happier Valley Comedy Show
Come see spontaneously-created theater with Valley favorites THE HA-HA'S who perform the fast and furious improvised show "The Buckingham." With special guest funny man Scott Braidman! These talented comedians will be making it all up on the spot in this one time only show.
Saturday, June 11th at 8pm - doors open at 7
121 Club Easthampton
116 Pleasant Street, Suite 121
Eastworks, Easthampton MA
Tickets available only at the door: $13
Audiences can look forward to a full evening of comic entertainment rated PG-13 in this wheelchair-accessible space. For more information about The Happier Valley Comedy Show, visit the show website at www.happiervalley.com.
PLUS! Stick around after the show for the Happier Valley Comedy School Showcase & Jam! Try some improv out - or just watch - in the student-led improv jam. Plus see an improvised set by the Advanced Improv student team called "HATS!" The Showcase & Jam is free with your ticket into the Happier Valley Comedy Show. There is a one drink minimum.
All-new shows every month!
The Happier Valley Comedy Show is
on the SECOND SATURDAY of every month
8:00 - 10:00pm (Plus Showcase & Jam at 10-11pm)
Facebook event here.
The Majestic Theater presents Tea for Three
June 16 at 7:30 PM
June 18 at 2:00 PM and 8:00 PM
June 19 at 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM
Majestic Theater, 131 Elm Street, West Springfield
What is it like for a woman when her husband becomes the President of the United States – and she is suddenly thrust into the spotlight?
The Off-Broadway hit "TEA FOR THREE: Lady Bird, Pat & Betty" explores the hopes, fears, quirks and loves of Lady Bird Johnson, Pat Nixon and Betty Ford in what Mrs. Nixon called “the hardest unpaid job in the world.”
413.747.7797 • Box Office: 10am-5pm M-F, 10am-1pm Sat
Watch a clip from the performance here.
New Century Theatre presents YANKEE TAVERN
by Steven Dietz
Directed by Gina Kaufmann
June 16-25
Theatre 14,
Mendenhall Center for the Performing Arts, Smith College, Northampton
New Century Theatre opens its 2016 season with an edge-of-your-seat thriller. Set in the crumbling New York City bar that Adam has recently inherited from his father, he and his fiancé plan for their upcoming wedding while dealing with the bar’s curious clientele. These customers include an aging barfly who has a conspiracy theory for everything, especially 9/11, and a mysterious stranger of few words who blurs the line between conspiracy theory and reality. Saying too much more would spoil this captivating, puzzling play by one of America’s most prolific playwrights.
Tickets available online or by calling 413-585-3220.
the clementine collective presents . . .
What Screams I Hear Are Mine
a new play
written by Annalise Cain
directed by Micky Strachota
June 17 and 18 at 7:30 PM
June 19 at 2 PM
PVPA Theater
15 Mulligan Drive, South Hadley 01075
What Screams I Hear Are Mine follows a fourteen year old who believes she hears a woman being raped. Her search for the perpetrator takes her and those around her on a tumultuous journey searching for truth and justice.
As young artists, we’ve taken it upon ourselves to make the art we deem important; stories that are socially relevant and excite us. As each of us have experienced the beginning of our adult lives, the mishandling of sexual cases has been present at each of our campuses, has affected our families and friends, and scarily enough, has been present the whole time. This is an issue that must be discussed, that is exacerbated by a lack of acknowledgment. With our artistry at our disposal, this is how we intend to fight it.
Tickets: $9/$7/$5
For ticket reservations or more information, email.
Facebook event here.
The Happier FAMILY Comedy Show!
Funny for the whole family (and perfect for kids 5-12 and their adults)! Get your family-friendly funnies in this totally interactive, high energy improv comedy show on the third Saturday of every month.
Our next show is coming up!
Saturday, June 18th
4-5 pm (doors open at 3:45)
The Community Room of the Eastworks building (116 Pleasant Street, Easthampton)
Tickets at the door: $5 Kids, $10 Adults, $30 Immediate Family Max. **Payments by cash or check only**
For more info on the show click here:
Answers to your FAQs:
IS THIS SHOW FAMILY FRIENDLY? Um, yeah! By its very definition and design. This show is rated G. We think it's most appropriate for kids 5-12, but everyone is welcome.
WHAT MAKES A FAMILY? Love makes a family. You don't need to be related to come to the family show. You don't even need to be a kid!
WHAT IS THE FAMILY MAX TICKET THING? It's our immediate family discount. So you pay only $30 max for an immediate family circle. But our tickets are super reasonable anyway: Kids are only $5. Their adults are $10.
Any more questions? Email or post them on Facebook.
PhantomSheep presents LaughCrafters: Comedy Improv Summer Kick off Show!
June 22 at 7:00 PM
Springfield Jewish Community Center, Neal Webber Building
Celebrate the end of the school year and kick off the summer as Western MA's own comedy troupe Phantom Sheep returns to the JCC stage with their popular LaughCrafters: Comedy Improv show!
Performing games and scenes all created on the spot based on suggestions from the audience in a fast paced hilarious show!
Admission is $8/ $5 students and available at the door. Facebook event here.
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